We are excited to announce that the 2023 Yakima Basin Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) grant round concluded as the SRFB awarded $2,106,471 to support salmon and steelhead recovery efforts! The Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board (the Recovery Board) serves as the lead entity for the Yakima Basin and coordinates the local grant review process. “It’s great to see the SRFB invest these state and federal funds in important salmon recovery projects developed and prioritized by our local partners- it’s exactly the kind of partnership we need to rebuild salmon and steelhead runs in the Yakima Basin”, said Recovery Board Executive Director Alex Conley.

Our technical and citizen committees reviewed 11 proposals. They recommended funding five projects and designated five more as alternates if additional funding is made available. The

The staff of YBFWRB and our Citizen Committee and Technical Advisory Group (TAG) had the opportunity to hear from the project sponsors during their presentations. They also visited project sites throughout Benton, Kittitas, and Yakima Counties. “It was clear from the level of participation by our committee members this year that they are highly invested in this community-based approach to fish restoration and in working with project proponents to develop the highest priority restoration projects,” said Michael Horner, Lead Entity Program Coordinator with YBFWRB. Please contact Michael Horner if you have any questions.

Citizen Committee and TAG members tour project sites. From left to right: Upper Toppenish Creek (Yakama Nation), Tieton River (Yakama Nation), and Amon Creek (Benton Conservation District).