YBFWRB Strategic Plan RFP (PDF)


The Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board (YBFWRB) is requesting proposals from qualified strategic planning consultants to support the YBFWRB Board of Directors in developing a Strategic Plan that will guide the organization’s work over the next 10 years.
The selected consultant will be responsible for assisting the Board of Directors and Executive Director with the full scope of developing a Strategic Plan. YBFWRB is soliciting proposals for these services in accordance with the terms, conditions and instructions set forth in this Request for Proposal.
There is no expressed or implied obligation for YBFWRB to reimburse responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to the request or for attending any meetings or conferences related to preparing or presenting proposals.

Our RFP is for consultants to lead a strategic planning process with the Board of Directors of the Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board. We hope that you will consider submitting a proposal and are glad to answer any questions you might have on the opportunity.

To do so, please contact Executive Director Alex Conley -aconley@ybfwrb.org, or Operations and Outreach Manager Kayla Gallentine – kgallentine@ybfwrb.org