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The Yakima Bull Trout Working Group (BTWG) is an informal working group that brings partners working on Bull Trout conservation together approximately every other month. Originally formed to draft the Yakima chapter of the 2002 draft of the USFWS Recovery Plan, the group has become the go-to-place to for all things Bull Trout. The group organizes fieldwork, makes funding recommendations, provides feedback on Bull Trout projects, shares new data and information and advocates for Bull Trout recovery. Representatives of federal and state agencies, the Yakama Nation, conservation non-profits and the public all regularly participate. The BTWG wrote the Yakima Bull Trout Action Plan (BTAP) in 2012 and updated it in 2017. The BTWG works together to ensure that partners are following through and implementing the actions that have been prioritized in the BTAP. In addition to the BTAP, the working group maintains a regional Bull Trout library with published literature, reports, and other relevant references. If you would like to access files in the library, please use the “email us” button at the bottom of this page and we will add you as a member of the group library.

The BTWG is coordinated by the Yakima Basin Fish & Wildlife Recovery Board with funding from the Department of Ecology’s Office of the Columbia River. To be added to the BTWG digital mailing list, email us. Aimee Taylor (aimee@midcolumbiafisheries.org) is the current facilitator of BTWG meetings, please email if there are any questions or comments.

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