Salmon recovery grants are awarded by the Washington State Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) to projects that protect, restore, or monitor salmon habitat. The Yakima Lead Entity does not currently accept monitoring proposals. The minimum funding level is $5,000 and there is no maximum for requests. Applicants must provide money or resources to match 15% or more of the grant for most project types.
Throughout Washington State the SRFB grant review process is coordinated by Lead Entities, which are community based salmon recovery. Each Lead Entity works a little differently but we all facilitate a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and Citizen Committee (CC) to evaluate both the scientific efficacy of each project applying for SRFB funding and any socio-economic considerations to ensure each project has strong public buy-in. The Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board (YBFWRB) serves as the Lead Entity for the Yakima Basin.
Who Can Apply?
- Local agencies
- Special purpose districts, such as port, park and recreation, conservation, and school districts
- State agencies
- Tribes
- Private landowners
- Nonprofit organizations
- Regional fisheries enhancement groups
Typical Projects
- Replacing barriers to fish migration
- Replanting stream banks
- Removing dikes and levies
- Installing large woody material to slow rivers and create habitat
- Buying pristine habitat
Grant Process
The 2023 grant round is now concluded. For more information on the SRFB grant process in the Yakima Basin, see our Information for Applicants page. Download RCO’s Manual 18: Salmon Recovery Grants for broad-based guidance, and the YBFWRB’s Lead Entity Manual for guidance to the local review process. Applicants are also encouraged to contact us to discuss project ideas and eligibility.

Excavation of a new channel at MCF Reecer Creek restoration project
Photo Credit: R. Wassel

Aerial view of the newly excavated channel
Image courtesy of Google Earth