Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board Project Booklet

Our Project Booklet describes all Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) Projects in the Yakima Basin, 1999 to 2023. This document serves as a reference for each project, providing a basic description and funding summary.

Project Search

For a detailed description of each SRFB project, background information and progress to date, please visit the Recreation and Conservation (RCO)’s project search feature.

Salmon Recovery Portal: Tracking Habitat Recovery Progress

The Salmon Recovery Portal (formerly known as Habitat Work Schedule) is the mapping and project tracking tool that allows partners to share habitat protection and restoration projects with funders and the public. SRP helps relate proposed, current and past project achievements to salmon recovery goals. View Yakima Basin’s current, completed, and proposed projects on Habitat Work Schedule’s interactive map.

Would you like to add a proposed, current, or completed project to this database?

Simply complete this brief HWS questionnaire about your project and we will add it for you.