The local grant review process concluded in August of 2011 and our recommended funding list was submitted for state SRFB consideration. Final grant decisions were announced at the December SRFB meeting in Olympia. The following resources document the outcome of our local review.

 2011 Yakima Basin SRFB Submission Report

2011 Funded Projects

 Project Name  SRFB Request Sponsor Match  Total 
 Rattlesnake Ck Side Channel  Restoration  $37,733  $6,800  $44,533
 Cle Elum Rr Ph 2 Instream Habitat Design  $172,000  $0*  $172,000
 Lower Cowiche Creek Restoration, Ph 2   $90,754  $16,037  $106,791
 Lwr Cowiche Creek Restoration Design  $105,000  $0*  $105,000
 Pott Habitat Restoration   $98,500  $18,500 $117,000
 Yakima Floodplain Ecosystem Rest.  $275,400 $157,000 $432,400
 Teanaway Forks Large Wood Trapping  $80,500 $0* $80,500
 Coleman Creek – Ellensburg Water Co  $333,313 $542,682 $875,995
 Total  $1,193,200   $741,019   $1,934,219

*Note. Design only proposals do not require a sponsor match.

2011 Alternate Project

 Project Name  SRFB Request  Sponsor Match  Total 
 Horse Heaven River Ranch Riparian Restoration  $78,871 $14,627 $93,498

2011 Deferred Project

 Project Name SRFB Request Sponsor Match Total 
 Cowiche Creek Water Users Association Fish Screen & Barrier Removal $627,661 $140,009 $767,670