The local grant review process concluded in August of 2012 and our recommended funding list was submitted for state SRFB consideration. Final grant decisions were announced at the December SRFB meeting in Olympia. The following resources document the outcome of our local review.
2012 Projects Recommended for Funding
Project Name | SRFB Request | Sponsor Match | Total |
CCWUA Barrier Removal & Trust Water | $574,600 | $350,007 | $924,607 |
Naches River Ramblers’ Aquisition & Restoration | $223,400 | $40,000 | $263,400 |
Yakima River Assessment – Hansen Pits to Ringer Loop | $62,230 | $15,200 | $77,430 |
Gold Creek Habitat Assessment + Conceptual Design | $97,750 | $17,250 | $115,000 |
Yakima River Gap to Gap Habitat Enhancement | $57,000 | $11,000 | $68,000 |
YTID Tieton to Cowiche Delivery Assessment | $25,000 | $75,000 | $100,000 |
Yakima Floodplain Ecosystem, Ph 2 | $209,620 | $88,776 | $384,696 |
Total | $1,249,600 | $597,233 | $1,846,833 |
2012 Alternate Projects
Project Name | SRFB Request | Sponsor Match | Total |
Ellensburg Water Co – Coleman Creek Intersection | $192,500 | $57,500 | $250,000 |
Wide Hollow Creek Restoration Feasibility Analysis | $60,000 | $10,650 | $70,650 |
2012 Deferred Projects
Project Name | SRFB Request | Sponsor Match | Total |
West Side Irrigation Co – Manastash Crk Siphon | $193,620 | $34,180 | $227,800 |
Toppenish Creek Passage Enhancement | $92,166 | $16,534 | $108,700 |