The local grant review process is complete and the resulting project list has been approved by the Yakima Basin Fish & Wildlife Recovery Board (Board) and forwarded to the State. Final grant decisions will be announced at the December SRFB meeting in Olympia. The following table summarizes the 2013 Yakima Basin SRFB ranked project list. Please use the project hyperlinks for additional information on each proposal.
2013 Projects Recommended for Funding
Project Name | SRFB Request | Sponsor Match | Total |
Little Rattlesnake Creek Road Obliteration | $360,000 | $64,000 | $424,000 |
Naneum, Wilson & Cherry Creek Assessment | $254,000 | $62,520 | $316,520 |
Bateman Island Causeway Conceptual Design | $109,160 | N/A | $109,160 |
Lower Cowiche Floodplain Reconnection, Ph 3 | $202,675 | $47,810 | $250,476 |
Floodplain Restoration with Beaver Dam Analogs | $56,910 | $10,043 | $66,953 |
Ellensburg Water C- – Coleman Creek Intersection | $250,025 | N/A | $250,025 |
Wise Manastash Creek Acquisition & Restoration | $30,680 | $5,415 | $36,095 |
Totals | $1,263,450 | $189,788 | $1,453,229 |
2013 Alternate Projects
Project Name | SRFB Request | Sponsor Match | Total |
Wise Manastash Creek Acquisition & Restoration | $161,869 | $28,585 | $190,454 |
Ahtanum Creek Restoration Survey & Design | $130,000 | N/A | $130,000 |
Naches River Riparian & Side Channel Design | $84,730 | N/A | $84,730 |
Yakima Beaver Project, Phase 2 | $195,850 | $35,890 | $231,740 |
Totals | $603,129 | $69,890 | $673,019 |
2013 Deferred Projects
Project Name | SRFB Request | Sponsor Match | Total |
Teanaway Forks Large wood Trapping | $139,454 | $24,800 | $164,254 |
Healing Greens Project | $211,800 | $38,000 | $249,800 |