The 2020 Yakima Basin grant round process is complete. Our Board of Directors approved the ranked funding list August 13, 2020 and the list was submitted to the state on August 14th. Final grant decisions were announced at the September SRFB meeting, held virtually

The following table outlines the recommended funding list approved by YBFWRB Board of Directors. We received an allocation of $1,187,275 for the Yakima Basin Lead Entity.

2020 Yakima Basin SRFB Submission Report

2020 Proposals Recommended for Funding

Project SponsorProject NameRequestTotal w/ Match
Sunnyside Division Board of ControlSunnyside Dam Smolt Passage Improvement Project $249,000$293,000
Kittitas Conservation TrustUpper Yakima River Floodplain Acquisition$292,629$344,270
Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement GroupWest/Middle Fork Teanaway Instream Wood Design II$118,900$140,400
Benton Conservation DistrictLower Yakima River Thermal Refuge Habitat Design$305,964359,964
Trout UnlimitedTjossem Ditch Headworks Removal and Restoration$120,477$141,777
Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group2020 Yakima Basin Riparian Stewardship$283,161$333,255

Please note: The Little Naches Longmire Levee Reach, Lower Yakima River Stargrass Control Pilot, and Tucker Creek Passage projects were withdrawn for consideration of funding prior to local committees completing their evaluation.

The Yakima Lead Entity reserves the unfunded portion of the 2020 Yakima Basin Riparian Stewardship project, $149,806, from its 2021 grant round allocation.