2022 Proposals Under Review
The 2022 Yakima Basin grant round is complete. Our Board of Directors approved the ranked funding list below on August 10, 2022 and the list was submitted to the state on August 12, 2022. Final grant decisions were announced at the September SRFB meeting.
The table below outlines the recommended funding list approved by the YBFWRB Board of Directors. We received an allocation of $2,857,167 in the Yakima Basin. For more information, please see the 2022 Yakima Basin SRFB Submission Report.
In addition to the regular grant round, our committees also received and reviewed three proposals for the SRFB’s new funding program for projects over $5 million.
They also recommended that the Board forward to the SRFB for consideration as a Targeted Investment Gap to Gap Ecosystem Restoration, Construction Implementation, which was awarded $3,612,109 in addition to $1,184,865 awarded from the program for projects over $5 million.
2022 Funded Projects
Application # | Project Sponsor/ | Project Name | Request | Total w/ Match |
22-1246 | Kittitas Conservation Trust | Thorp Reach Acquisition | $940,178 | $1,115,178 |
22-1571 | Yakama Nation | River Mile 89.5 Project – Phase 2 | $960,000 | $1,165,800 |
22-1576 | Yakama Nation | Wahtum Creek Culvert Replacement Design | $285,000 | $335,798 |
22-1523 | Kittitas Conservation Trust | Hanson Ponds Preliminary Designs | $147,009 | $172,972 |
22-1575 | Trout Unlimited | Little Creek channel complexity – pilot project | $36,212 | $43,212 |
22-1614 | Trout Unlimited | Swauk Creek: Supplemental Flows P&C Designs | $199,298 | $199,298 |
22-1527 | Mid‐Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group | Lower Cowiche Floodplain Restoration, Request for Budget Increase | $87,366 | $103,168 |
22-1631 | Mid‐Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group | Whiskey Creek Barriers | $98,800 | $98,800 |
22-1573 | Mid‐Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group | Cowiche Creek Restoration Design, RM 0.7 | $72,000 | TBD |
22-1567 | Mid‐Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group | Cabin Creek Restoration Assessment | $31,304 | TBD |