On February 16, 2017 the Department of Ecology and the Yakima Basin Fish & Wildlife Recovery Board cosponsored a symposium on riparian planting that was attended by 140 participants from throughout eastern Washington. Links to the agenda, powerpoint presentations and presenter contact info are on the left. The training was also featured on the Department of Ecology’s statewide blog, ECOconnect.
1. Richard Fleenor:
Plant Materials & their Placement
2. Kent Apostol:
Seedling Establishment Measures
3. Jennifer Hadersberger:
Lidar Mapping & Shade Analysis
4. Brian Schmidt:
Herbaceous Weed Control
5. Scott Nicolai:
Lessons from 25 Yrs Killing Plants
5. Scott Nicolai:
Lessons from 25 Yrs Killing Plants
6. Katrina Strathman:
Floodplain & Riparian Revegetation
7. Kelsey Collins:
Water Rights for Riparian Planting
8. Rob Crandall:
Process Based Restoration
9. Mike Denny:
Birds of the Riparian Buffer