Yakima Bull Trout Working Group

Bull Trout Action Plan

Yakima Bull Trout Recovery Plan

The Bull Trout Action Plan (BTAP) was created in 2012. It is a locally-written document that complements the USFWS Bull Trout Recovery Plan by providing detailed population information and proposing specific actions and next steps that will benefit bull trout in the Yakima Basin. The BTAP was originally written in 2011-12 by biologists from Yakima Basin Fish & Wildlife Recovery Board, WDFW and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with ongoing review from the Yakima Bull Trout Working Group and public review from June 1- July 2, 2012.

The cited references from the 2012 Action Plan are accessible via our Yakima Basin Bull Trout library,  using the tag BTAP12. If you are new to Zotero, follow the getting started instructions on our Library page.

Since 2012, interest in bull trout recovery in the Yakima Basin has increased. The Yakima Basin Integrated Plan is focusing new attention and resources on bull trout issues in the basin, and the USFWS Endangered Species Act required Bull Trout Recovery Plan was finalized in 2015.

In 2016, the Yakima Bull Trout Working Group  (BTWG) began updating the actions identified in the BTAP to ensure that they are complete, up-to-date and linked to the 2015 USFWS Bull Trout Recovery Plan. The BTWG completed this update and they can be found in the 2017 Action Update.

Interim updates: Overview of Update Process

2017 Yakima Bull Trout Action Plan Actions Update  – as approved by the Bull Trout Working Group and the Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board.

2025 update: The Yakima Bull Trout Working Group is doing an extensive update with an expected completion date by December 2025. This update includes moving the Actions database and population narratives to the web for better version control and ability to perform real-time updates as information becomes available or as actions are proposed or completed.

Action Plan Update - Bull Trout