The Yakima Steelhead Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan is a supplement to the Steelhead Recovery Plan. This document is being written in two sections. The first section, focusing on steelhead population monitoring, was completed in 2011 – Viable Salmonid Populations (VSP) Section.  Many of the monitoring actions outlined in this plan are currently being implemented by the Yakama Nation and Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.

The next section, focusing on habitat monitoring, has not yet been completed. Bull trout monitoring actions are included in the Bull Trout Action Plan (also see Bull Trout Recovery Planning).

As part of the adaptive management strategy of recovery planning, the YBFWRB, in collaboration with Yakama Nation and WDFW, produced annual reports from 2010-2013, which included data from monitoring efforts. In addition, the YBFWRB hosted annual meetings with a team of technical experts on steelhead.

Archive of annual reports, meeting notes, and PowerPoint presentations from the meetings.

Yakima Steelhead Monitoring Plan

Adult Steelhead Abundance at Prosser

(all populations combined)

Adult Steelhead Abundance at Prosser