The Yakima Basin Fish & Wildlife Recovery Board (the Recovery Board) is seeking volunteers to serve on a committee that will solicit and evaluate proposals for the inaugural SRFB Monitoring Grant Program. This grant program will be debuting in 2025 with $973,855 available statewide. Eligible projects must address critical information needs that are identified in both regional recovery plans and the statewide monitoring Request for Proposals (RFP).

The committee will meet 3 times in 3 months, January through March 2025. Duties will include:

  • drafting a local RFP, which will involve identifying which monitoring questions should be prioritized and refining those questions;
  • evaluating applications; and
  • selecting two applications to submit to the SRFB for the statewide ranked list.

The complete committee duties are available in the Monitoring Committee Description.

The Recovery Board is seeking volunteers with technical expertise in one or more related fields (fish biology, stream ecology, hydrology, geomorphology, project management, etc.), with monitoring expertise preferred. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please contact the Lead Entity Coordinator, Cheyne Mayer, at Committee members will be selected from among volunteers based on organizational representation, technical knowledge, and geographic distribution.

If you are interested in submitting a monitoring proposal, please let us know at and review the Monitoring Committee Description. The local RFP will be released in late January/early February.